About Us


The Association shall be organized as an educational and charitable organization within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Within the general limitation, the specific purposes of the Association shall include the following:

To serve the needs and interests of students, faculties, and administrators of institutions of post-secondary education, as well as individuals and public and private organizations whose activities are related to the support and administration of student financial aid by advising, training, and assisting in the promotion, development and effective administration of student financial aid programs.
To promote and facilitate communications between institutions of post-secondary education and the sponsors of student aid funds.
To promote and provide education by conducting conferences and any other related activities as are desirable or necessary in fulfilling the purposes of the Association.
To promote standards of professional preparation for financial aid administrators, counselors in post-secondary institutions, and other individuals concerned with or engaged in the support and/or administration of student financial aid.
To serve as a forum and action body to advise and recommend programs and policies to related agencies (state, regional, and national) dealing with student financial aid.


The South Dakota Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (SDASFAA) ascribes to the general principal and purpose that student aid is to provide financial resources to students who would otherwise be unable to pursue a post-secondary education. The Association will adhere to the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators “Statement of Ethical Practices” for financial aid professionals.

The Association is committed to the belief that no one should be denied access to post-secondary education because of a lack of family resources or a lack of knowledge of the financial aid delivery system or application process. It is a goal of the Association to assist those seeking assistance through all Title IV resources. The Association shall serve as a forum for its members and act as a focus for the expression of views on matters relating to the development, funding, and administration of financial aid.


The South Dakota Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators will conduct workshops to update members in Title IV regulations. The Association will schedule two (2) meetings a year, one of which will be the annual spring meeting for the election of officers and to conduct business of the Association. The purpose of these meetings will be to provide an ongoing dialogue among members, and to provide a meaningful exchange of ideas through the conference format.

The Association will conduct High School Counselor Workshops to aid counselors in the changes incurred through congressional action.

The Association will encourage its members to participate in all activities associated with financial aid awareness by participating in seminars, holding financial aid nights, making presentations, and coordinating with Admission’s efforts at their institution.

The Association will promote financial aid awareness in the State of South Dakota through media coverage of Association activities including a financial aid awareness month designated by the Executive Council, Constitution of the South Dakota Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators.

The Association will review and respond to all legislative proposals affecting the membership and address appropriate issue resolutions that:

  • Attempt to influence the formation of legislation and regulations as they better serve the public and the financial aid community, and:
  • Be certain the membership and the Association respond on issues that affect delivery of funds to students, or issues facing the Association that will limit the effectiveness.
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