
Joining the SDASFAA Committees

Read the Descriptions of the 2024 SDASFAA Committees (Opens a PDF file)
Read the Requirements and Responsibilities of the 2024 SDASFAA Committees (Opens a PDF file)
2024 Committees

Education Committee

Responsible for all state training and education programs. In addition, this committee will provide information to the members on current legislation related to student financial aid. The committee shall consist of three sub-committees:

  1. Spring Conference Committee:  The Conference Committee responsibilities shall include activities associated with preparations necessary for the Spring Conference. This committee’s term will run conference to conference instead of calendar year.
  2. Fall Training Committee: The Fall Training Committee responsibilities shall include activities associated with preparations necessary for the annual fall training.
  3. Training Committee: Training Committee responsibilities shall include providing credentialing and training sessions at both yearly conferences, coordinating the High School Counselor Workshops, and other additional training opportunities for SDASFAA. This committee will run from Spring Conference to Spring conference instead of calendar year

Review Committee

This committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) persons made up of the Associate Member-at-Large from the current Executive Council and two other individuals from the membership to be appointed by the President at the beginning of their term of office. This committee shall contact the Treasurer to coordinate an annual audit of the financial records of the Association and shall report to the membership at the annual business meeting and to the Executive Council at the first meeting of the new year. This committee will be responsible for reviewing the books after the close of the calendar year. This review should take place within the first 3-4 months of the year, if possible, prior to the first Executive Council meeting of the new year. The Treasurer’s books will be audited if there is a change in the office of Treasurer during the course of the fiscal year.

Membership and Records Committee

The committee is responsible for compiling and maintaining the membership directory of the Association and forwarding that information to the Communications and Website Committee. The committee shall be responsible for development and solicitation of new members along with following up with any members that have not renewed their annual membership. In conjunctions with the past president, review the Constitution and Policy and Procedures Manual and make recommendations when necessary to the Executive Council. The Committee shall maintain the records of the association by collecting and preserving official association documents, memorabilia, and photographsshall serve as the Association historian by collecting and maintaining official Association documents, memorabilia, and photographs.

Communication and Website Committee

The committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) persons. The Committee will be responsible for maintaining and updating the SDASFAA website. The Committee will be responsible for publishing the SDASFAA quarterly newsletter. The Committee may host up to two gatherings on Zoom (or other digital resource) each year to promote communication amongst members.

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