Fall Training Committee

The Fall Training Committee responsibilities shall include activities associated with preparations necessary for the annual fall training.

The 2nd-year Institutional Members-at-Large will co-chair this committee with at least three other members appointed by the President.

The Fall Training Committee responsibilities shall include:

  1. Selection of conference dates, facility, and contract proposal
    • Contract is then taken to the Board for approval
  2. Planning the program agenda for event.
  3. Coordinating all necessary speakers, presenters, and facilitators.
    • Training committee is responsible for selecting and coordinating a NASFAA credential topic and at least one other topic
  4. Working with SDASFAA President and Board to establish a budget and estimate the total cost for purpose of establishing the registration fee.
  5. Assisting Treasurer with collection of all registrations and vendor fees.
  6. Coordination of all facility functions and activities including meal planning, meeting rooms, equipment availability (securing all supportive audio-visual equipment needed by the speakers and presenters), vendor display area, and guest room availability, assuring adequate supplies of all other materials associated with the training.
  7. Coordination and implementation of on-site registration.
  8. Submitting all speaker and presenter–related expenses in a timely manner.



Committee should have an initial meeting at the Spring Conference in April where dates and general timelines should be discussed.


The contract then should be drawn-up with the venue by mid-May.


The Board should then vote and approve the contract within the deadline presented by the venue.


The training dates should be posted to the SDASFAA website upon approval of the contact.


Fall Training committee should meet approximately monthly, as needed, from April to November.


Have a tentative agenda posted in September with information from the Training Committee as to the NASFAA credential that will be offered.


Have the registration posted within 6 weeks of the training.


Review the contract and abide by the deadlines set forth in that document such as deadlines for room blocks and food orders.

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